Interior House Painting
Painting the interior of your house can transform it from the ordinary to simply inspiring – in how it feels and how it looks. It can raise property value and help a home sell quicker, or it can change your living experience by the quality of the work, and the mood that has been created by the colours that have been artfully chosen.
Interior House Painting – The Process
The Colour
Firstly – the colour scheme. Colour creates mood, different colour schemes will suit particular rooms throughout the house. Many paint manufacturers are now offering small sample cans of their colours, they cost only a few dollars and will prevent you from wasting money on a color that just isn’t right. To investigate a potential colour, paint a small patch on the wall and watch how the color changes as the sun moves across the sky and the amount of light in the room changes.
The Finish
After the colours have been carefully chosen, next comes the type of finish – there are five or six different types of finish to choose from and each finish has a particular quality and look. Certain finishes will be better chosen for different areas and rooms of the house, for example; a satin finish is suitable for a kitchen or bathroom as the paint holds up well to cleaning and light scrubbing.
Interior House Painting – Preparation is King.
The key to a good job is good preparation. About 80 percent of our time is spent doing prep work. Contrary to popular belief, paint will not hide all imperfections. We take the proper steps to make your walls as flat as possible, and make sure they are completely clean before we start to paint, any dust or debris left on the wall could cause your new paint to peel.